
How to Survive a Kitchen Remodel (Without Losing Your Mind or Ordering Pizza Every Night)

Ah, the kitchen remodel. It’s the ultimate glow-up for the heart of your home. But before you start dreaming about whipping up Pinterest-worthy meals in your brand-new space, let’s talk about the not-so-glamorous reality: the remodel itself. Spoiler alert—it’s going to get messy. But don’t worry, we’ve got tips to help you prep, survive, and maybe even laugh a little along the way!


1. Embrace the Chaos (Because It’s Coming)

First things first—let’s set some realistic expectations. Your kitchen is about to look like a tornado and a construction site had a baby. Even with immersive site protection, dust will be your new roommate, and your fridge might find itself in some odd places (living room, anyone?). Embrace it! The more you mentally prep for chaos, the easier it’ll be to roll with the punches when your stove is on sabbatical.


2. Set Up Your Emergency Kitchen (A.K.A. The Microwave Station) 

Let’s be real, cooking an elaborate meal in a torn-up kitchen is like trying to win a marathon in flip-flops. Not going to happen. But fear not! With a little planning, you can set up a mini kitchen somewhere else in your home. All you need is a microwave, a toaster, and your trusty coffee maker (because nobody survives this without caffeine). Paper plates, plastic utensils, and a stockpile of takeout menus will be your new best friends.


3. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize (But Also the Budget) 

Dreaming of marble countertops and a wine fridge? We love it. But remodeling costs add up faster than a teenager’s data bill. Keep a close eye on that budget, and remember: there’s always an upgrade you’ll be tempted to add. Set your priorities straight from the get-go, and leave a little wiggle room for those “Oh no, we didn’t see that coming” moments.


4. Prepare for Decision Fatigue (Yes, It’s a Thing) 

If you think picking out a paint color is hard, just wait until you’re choosing cabinet handles, backsplash tiles, and light fixtures—all while your contractor or designer asks if you want the “brushed nickel” or the “satin nickel” faucet. Pro tip: grab a coffee (or a wine), take a deep breath, and pace yourself. It’s okay to take your time on the decisions that matter most.


5. Expect the Unexpected (Or: Everything Takes Longer Than You Think) 

Remember when you thought this remodel would take “a couple of weeks”? Ha! Remodeling time is like dog years—everything takes seven times longer. Setting realistic expectations and realizing that delays happen is important – it’s all part of the journey. And when it’s over, you’ll be standing in a kitchen so beautiful, you’ll forget all about the weeks you ate cereal out of a mug.


6. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate (It’s Like Marriage Counseling, but for Your Kitchen) 

Your contractor is your new BFF during this process, so keep those lines of communication open. If something doesn’t look right, speak up! And if you have questions (or minor freak-outs), don’t hesitate to ask. The clearer you are about your expectations, the smoother things will go. Just remember—they can’t read your mind (even if you wish they could).


7. Celebrate Small Wins (Like the Day You Get Your Sink Back

Finally, don’t forget to celebrate the little victories along the way. The first time you see the countertops installed? Cheers to that. When the stove finally works? Break out the champagne. Surviving a kitchen remodel is no small feat, and each step brings you closer to the finish line.


So there you have it—the good, the bad, and the downright dusty truths of surviving a kitchen remodel. It’s a wild ride, but when it’s all done, you’ll have a gorgeous new space that’s worth every takeout meal, every dust bunny, and every decision fatigue meltdown. And hey, if all else fails, just remember: your new kitchen will be amazing—and so will the stories you’ll tell about how you survived it. At least, this is what our past clients told us!


If you’ve made it this far and still think you’re ready to dive into a kitchen remodel, congratulations—you’re officially a brave soul! We’d love to chat (and maybe even share a few more survival tips). So, if you’re still on board, give us a shout—contact B&B here, and let’s turn that kitchen chaos into your dream space!